6 Tips for Saving Space in Your Home Gym

If you want to get some exercise and stay fit even without going outside or visiting a gym, then you may need to set up a proper home gym. The home gym is regarded as the best room in the house to have for fitness buffs that want to work out every day. For many people, there is the option of just regularly visiting a gym, but for those that only have a few minutes or hours to exercise during the day, having a home gym is convenient for them since they can spend more time working out instead of traveling to a nearby gym.

A great home gym can be set up in many ways, it can be large, or it can be luxurious by filling it with fancy exercise machines and fitness-focused electronics. However, if you don’t have a large space and budget for an extravagant home gym, then you may need to come up with ways to maximize the space of a small room and keep your budget low. Here are tips to help you save space for your home gym.

Know All About the Essentials

Not all pieces of exercise equipment are considered “essential,” so if you want to minimize the number of machines and items in your home gym, you should get all the essentials and only a few extra pieces of equipment. The essential gym items include yoga mats, kettlebells, adjustable dumbbells, and resistance bands. With those items, you will already have good exercise at home.

But, to make every workout worth it, you will really need to have exercise machines in your home gym. For those that don’t have a lot of space for large equipment, they can just buy an exercise bike and treadmill, and they will be good to go. Knowing more about the essentials will let you save more space in the home gym while also preventing you from purchasing unnecessary items.

Purchase Foldable Exercise Equipment

working out at home

Many gym equipment manufacturers today have developed models or machines that are specifically built for home gyms and for gyms that have smaller spaces. These machines have one feature like metal shelf Singapore that makes them great space-savers, and that feature is the foldable parts. With foldable parts, you can save more space in your home gym after you use a foldable exercise machine since you can just easily fold it and let it lean against the wall or stand near it.

Today, you can purchase foldable exercise bikes and foldable treadmills easily in sporting goods stores and online shops, so you won’t have to waste too much time finding suitable equipment for your home gym. However, before purchasing an item, make sure that you read reviews about it first so that you will know if the people that bought the item enjoyed it and rated it high.

Consider Buying Multi-Purpose Shelves and Racks

If you want to turn regular pieces of furniture into storage compartments, you can buy multi-purpose shelves and racks that can also serve as benches or holders for different gym items. There are benches suitable for gyms that have shelves at the bottom where you can store kettlebells, dumbbells, and other small items to maximize space. In addition, there are also racks that are tall enough to hold multiple items.

Storage units are essential to give you more space to move around in the home gym and to allow you to have an easier time finding the item you need since it is not scattered in the room with all the other items. Having storage units like cabinets, shelves, and racks will also keep your home gym tidier.

Buy Wall-Mounted Mirrors

Besides exercise equipment, mirrors are also essential items to have in a home gym, as they will allow you to see progress every day, week, or month, which will then motivate you to continue working out. Moreover, mirrors would let you see if you are following specific yoga positions, exercise routines, or dance moves correctly. Also, if you want your small home gym to look much more spacious, you can install several mirrors on one wall so that it would appear like you have another space in the home gym.

Mirrors with stands can consume a lot of space in the home gym, so what we recommend for you to purchase are wall-mounted mirrors that are glued in place on a wall. When the mirrors are wall-mounted, you can assign the space that it would have consumed to another exercise machine or for storable items.

Install Wall-Mounted Cabinets

setting up a yoga mat

Much like mirrors with stands, cabinets can also take plenty of space for your home gym when you place them on the floor, but you can still get them and still save space by mounting them on the wall, specifically on the part of the wall that is near or next to the ceiling. Since most pieces of exercise equipment aren’t tall enough to reach the ceiling, you can install cabinets on top of those fitness machines so that you can maximize space on one wall.

With cabinets, you will have a place to store smaller items in the home gym instead of placing them on the floor. These smaller items include yoga mats, resistance bands, fitness trackers, and more. So, you will technically save much more space in the room if you have cabinets installed on the top part of the gym’s walls.

Keep the Home Gym Simple

The best method to save space and money on a home gym is to keep it very simple, which will then allow you to have a minimalist approach to the room while also preventing yourself from buying too much equipment and items that can be deemed as unnecessary or space-wasting.

As long as you are following the simple tips we have provided above, you will be able to keep the home gym as simple as possible, but you can also maximize as much space as you want so that every corner of the home gym has some use.